
Friday, March 14, 2008

Who doesn't love free money?

I got a letter from the IRS yesterday informing me that President Bush's Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 had been passed. They are going to send Jonathan and I up to $1200 to spend frivolously and put back into the economy to stimulate it. Since we received I keep asking Jonathan "Can we buy ________?"

Here are some of my requests:
Apple TV


A new Couch

(Please note: Not this couch)

How will you spend your free money?


maude said...

that's exactly how justin is: 'can i buy an iphone?' or a watch? or a spaceship? we're using it towards our wedding party...

Allison said...

I would buy a Louis Vuitton bag...

I'm not 100% sure I understand how this works, but I'm in for free money...

Ange said...

i'm excited for my free money too! however, us singles only get $600---which is still great!!! I want to get a new bed! or go on vacation!!!