
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So I got a flat tire today...

Today Alanna, Jamie, Katie, Allison and I were on our way to lunch and a guy pulled up next to me and told me that my tire was flat. My car was driving totally fine - it was so weird. I called AAA to come and fix it (Julie...please don't be disappointed in my non-ability in changing tires!) Luckily we were close enough to our lunch destination so we could eat while we waited for the tow truck.

We got a call saying the tow truck had arrived, but much to our dismay another twenty minutes passed by before our help we had to wait!

It was an adventure to say the least! And our quick lunch was a two hour lunch, but we had fun!

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

I am not disappointed at all! AAA is the best thing ever and the fact that you took care of it yourself and had fun with it, is what is impressive.