
Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Problem With Moving To A New State

I need my hair cut, like...bad.
But how does one go about choosing a new hairstylist?
Have you ever thought about that?

Usually I would go by word of mouth. I would even ask someone who I think has good cut and color. I'm not opposed to approaching a stranger for the sake of my hair. But, you see, that would require me going out in public. And seeing how I haven't left my house in about 72 hours (I have showered, and I actually put jeans on steps) it is making it difficult to track down good hair.

So this time I am going to have to rely on Yelp, and the recommendation of the receptionist at whatever salon I choose. Which, if I am being honest, terrifies me. Because here is a confession for you, I have a little hair obsession. My hair is something I think about often, and one of my favorite features. Oh gosh...could I be more vain?
I guess that is the point of a blog, right? To talk about myself.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes.
Wish me luck.

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