
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Two Excellent Days Off

Having two days off in a row doesn't happen that often in my world, but this week it did. Both days off were perfect.

Monday: Day Off #1
Sleep until 1:00. Hang out with my husband in our house...all day long. Change out of pajamas into real clothes to walk to our car and drive-thru Wendy's. Watch TV, pack some stuff, mostly hang out. Make biscuits and gravy for dinner and eat at 9:00 pm. Empty my DVR, and go to sleep late.

Tuesday: Day Off #2
Wake up, get dressed, leave the house around 11:00 am and come home around 5:00 pm. Plenty of friend time and alone time. Eat lunch with some friends, go to HomeGoods by myself, watch a movie with some friends, hang out at home by myself until Jonathan gets home, eat dinner with some friends.

The perfect mix of doing nothing, and doing lots of things. I think I am refreshed and ready to go back to work.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm so glad that you got some rest and chill time!!