
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kenya Believe It?

I just got a text from Katie letting me know that she is booking our plane tickets to go to Kenya TODAY!

In early November we are going to see Allison (who I miss terribly) for two weeks. She has been there since late July and is planning on staying until February. You can read all about what she is doing in Kenya here.

Although, Katie has been mulitple multiple times this is a first for me.I am super excited and super nervous.

Will you pray for me.
Pray for our trip details to fall into place
Pray for our safety
Pray for Jonathan...This will be a long time apart and it will be hard on him and me

Allison and I come!

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

You will love it. It will be the best thing you ever did.
Please know I have a crap load of stuff to send with you for Allison!! Let me know when I can get it to you!
You will love it love it love it. And THEY will love you!!!