We had 4 summer interns start today, and Josh asked me to write an orientation for them. It ended up being 20 things that we thought they should know about the culture of HSM and Student Ministries before diving into Grand Opening of th Refinery, summer events, and camp.
HSM Summer Intern Orientation
20 expectations of summer interns
1. Know what is on your calendar before you come in for the day.
We live and die by our calendars in the office. Nothing throws you off more than forgetting about a meeting. Also, summer events don’t always allow you to run home and change your clothes. OUTLOOK is one of your most important resources…use it!
2. Expect to be at all HSM events…if you’re not sure, ASK!
3. Have a good attitude.
If you don’t have a good attitude, take some time for yourself to read, relax and refresh.
4. Check Basecamp Tuesday thru Friday
5. Know what is expected of you on the weekend
· Be on time.
· Help set up.
· Greet Volunteers
· Jump in where needed
· Sit with students during the service - Don’t stand in the back!!!
6. You are responsible for your emails, voicemails, and texts.
Check them often and return them in a timely manner – every 24 hours (at most), but take care of Pastoral Care issues IMMEDIATELY!
7. Communicate where you are going and when you will be back
There is no such thing as over communicating and don’t ever assume someone knows where you are. Keep JG in the loop at all times.
8. NEVER say “I don’t know”…ALWAYS say “Let me find out”
Try and know every detail about events on the calendar (Location, Price, Where to meet, Times) and GO get the information for a student, parent or volunteer rather then sending them to someone. Also, walk them over to the person with the answer and listen to what they have to say – then next time you won’t have to ask.
9. Know that everything can change at ANY moment…go with it.
10. Ask questions.
A lot of them. Why we do things? How we do things? What if we did things a different way? Even if it is to confirm what you already know…ask questions!
11. Write it down.
You should not go into a meeting (one-on-one or with the team) with out a pad of paper and a pen – bring your Moleskine.
12. Expect to pay for your own meals.
Team lunches are a privilege, and we will try to feed everyone whenever we are asking them to work through a meal, but never assume it is on HSM.
13. Ask for a deadline (because there is one).
Asking will save you from conflict and unknown expectations. Even if the person can’t give you an exact time, ask them about how long they think it should take you.
14. Don’t be scared to ask for time with people.
You are here to learn and experience the inner workings of ministry. EVERYONE at Saddleback is working with a packed schedule, BUT you can not receive unless you ASK. If there is someone in Student Ministries or the church that you would like time with ask JG and he will try his hardest to make it happen.
15. Let Josh Griffin know when you need his time.
The easiest way is to set up a meeting with him, but even when his door is closed it is really open.
16. Protect your day off.
Because if you don’t…no one else will.
17. If you’re not doing anything…ask how you can help.
18. KNOW THIS: We COULD NOT do ministry with out Volunteers.
Learn their names
Talk to them
Tell them how much you appreciate them
Involve them with what you are doing
Ask for their help
Make a big deal when they do help
Pray for them
19. Know who does what on the Student Ministries team.
Student Ministries is a team and it is so important that we help each other whenever we can.
20. Spiritual Life is Essential!
You have 72 days…make each one count!