
Saturday, June 28, 2008

I've Got the Power...

Here's a short story for you...

At 11:15 am yesterday I walked into the lunch room, and stopped dead in my tracks because the Diet Coke had been replaced with Coke Zero. I seriously didn't know what to do. So I called my friend Heather, and told her I was devastated that the Diet Coke was gone, and I NEEDED her to fix it. She said she would make some calls. At 12:30 she called me and told me it was getting fixed, and at 12:45 I got a text message from Allison McCroskey that said "Ryanne is a HERO! The Diet Coke is back in the machine."

Some might call it power, but it mostly about knowing the right people. I am so glad we got it fixed, because it is basically my life line...who knows how long it would have lasted.


Allison said...

So, what this means is...Heather has the power...but she loves you so she uses her power to your benefit...

Heather McTaggart said...

HA HA...all of you! Glad to help in this mass case of emergency! I heard desperation and I am a "fixer" so I am glad to be of service! For the record...I love ALL you gals and would "fix" anything in my "power!" YOUR GREAT!