I am really in to buffalo plaid.Don't know what that is? Here let me show you with some help from Google images:
{come. on. too cute.}
I know what you are thinking (or saying out loud if you are verbal processor), "Ooooh...plaid. Like what lumberjacks wear."
Nope, not just plaid. Buffalo plaid.
I don't know what it is about that red and black pattern, but I find myself drawn to it.
So much so that when I stare at it for so long, and then look at other plaid I get physically ill at the amount of cuteness it does NOT have.
So much so that I bought three yards of it on sale at the fabric store, with the hopes of every project I make for the next month having some buffalo plaid on it in some way.
If I could...I would cover my husband in buffalo plaid.