Today is Macy's half birthday.
A hot topic amongst me and my husband lately is that six months ago she did not exist in our world, and nine months before that she didn't exist at all. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the miracle that she is. I am not sure if that will ever be accomplished.
And even though she has been "life" for fifteen months, now she is a real human.
She sits up.
She laughs.
She peers around you in curiosity.
She spits food everywhere.
She reaches for things
She reaches for me.
She is a real human. And she is the best.
My sweet Macy,
For four years I prayed and pleaded with God to give me a baby, and he did. Then for nine months I prayed the same two things for you everyday: that you would be healthy, and that you would bring joy to people. Again, God has answered my prayers.
On the day you were born and I held you for the first time I knew it was you, it was always you. You were the one I had been waiting for. You were the one God has sent specifically to me.
And now I get to live every new adventurous day with you. You have given me a new meaning to the word "blessed". You have taught me so much about God's love and grace and mercy. Even on the hardest days, toughest moments, or most exhausting are mine, and I am so in awe that I get to be your mama.
I love you my sweet girl. I always have and I always will.