
Saturday, January 02, 2010

You Can Call Them Goals

As we enter the new year with the hopes of "Less stuff and more experiences" there are ten specific experiences I hope to have in 2010:

Learn something new about myself.

Read the unread books in our bookcase, watch all the movies in our DVD collection that have never been opened, and limit my TV watching to what I really want to watch.

A day of laying in the grass at the park and reading with my husband.

A whole week with nothing on my personal to do list.

Cooking dinner for enjoyment rather than out of duty.

Spend over half of my days off at the beach, the library, anywhere but running errands.

Travel together somewhere neither Jonathan or I have ever been.

Travel together to a couple of places we have both been before.

Spend more time with friends laughing, learning, and sharing.

Spend more time with family making sure they know how much we love them.


b.hurst said...

good list. hope you're successful.

Alyssa said...
