
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hell-o Staff Retreat!

We are headed to Palm Springs for a few days for the annual Student Ministries Staff Retreat. It is literally a retreat that the whole Student Ministries team goes on every year to get refreshed and get all ready for the summer - which can be a little crazy around here! I love Staff Retreat, and around April 1st I start counting down the days until we get to go.

Here is what I plan on doing, but am not limited to:
Sleeping in. Laying out and swimming - probably more swimming than laying out, because it is going to be REALLY hot. Turning the AC way up. Watching movies in my hotel room. Hanging out with some people I love...a lot! Watching movies in a movie theatre. Eating delicious food. Reading books. Sudoku. Hanging out with my husband. Playing Cards. Laughing.

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